Board of Directors FAQs
Thank you so much for your interest in serving on the Home Care Association of Florida (HCAF) Board of Directors. Below are answers to frequently asked questions to help you better understand this leadership opportunity.
For more information, please send us a message or call (850) 222-8967.
What is the vision, mission, and purpose of HCAF?
Vision Statement: To be the foremost resource and advocate for Florida's home care industry and the patients it serves.
Mission Statement: As the voice for home care, our mission is to advance the interest and meet the needs of our members, enabling them to provide the highest quality and most cost-effective services throughout Florida.
- Maintain a unified voice to uphold service and educational standards for cost-effective, high-quality home- and community-based services.
- Deliver timely, accurate information, comprehensive management tools, and in-depth analyses of future trends through a collaborative structure that leverages the expertise of member volunteers and professional staff.
What are HCAF’s membership categories?
Certified Provider Members: Open to licensed home health agencies participating in the Medicare and/or Medicaid program(s), or those awaiting state licensure and intending to participate in the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs.
Private Duty Provider Members: Open to the following:
- Licensed-only home health agencies that do not participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
- Licensed-only home health agencies that exclusively offer "non-skilled" services.
- Licensed homemaker and companion service providers.
- Home health organizations awaiting state licensure and with no intention to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
Combination Members: Open to providers that offer both Certified and Private Duty services.
Associate Members: Open to partner organizations and individuals that support the home care industry, including:
- Vendors: Organizations and individuals whose products and services offer support to the care provider community. This includes a diverse array of entities such as those specializing in software and technology, sales and marketing, durable medical equipment, telehealth solutions, billing services, consulting, legal assistance, and staffing, among others.
- Other Care Providers: Organizations and individuals whose business model is not a licensed home health agency, such as nurse registries, health care service pools, and hospices.
Who can serve on the Board
- Board members must be owners or corporate representatives of an HCAF member in good standing.
- Officers and Directors are elected by the members they represent.
- The President and Vice President must be employees or corporate representatives of Provider members.
- All Officers must have served at least two full terms on the Board in the past 10 years.
Who would I represent?
Officers: All members
Region Directors: Provider members within designated Florida service areas, aligned with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Health Quality Assurance Area regions:
- Region 1: Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton counties
- Region 2: Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, Wakulla, and Washington counties
- Region 3: Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Marion, Putnam, Sumter, Suwannee, and Union counties
- Region 4: Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, St. Johns, and Volusia counties
- Region 5: Pasco and Pinellas counties
- Region 6: Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee and Polk counties
- Region 7: Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties
- Region 8: Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Lee, and Sarasota counties
- Region 9: Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties
- Region 10: Broward County
- Region 11: Miami-Dade and Monroe counties
Membership Type Directors: Represent specific membership categories:
- Associate Director: Associate members
- Private Duty Director: Private Duty members
How long is a Board term?
Each term is two years, beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
- Elected in Even-Numbered Years:
- Region Directors (Regions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
- Associate Director
- Elected in Odd-Numbered Years:
- Region Directors (Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)
- Private Duty Director
- President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
Are there term limits or other restrictions?
- No Officer or Director may serve more than two consecutive full terms in the same seat unless no other nominees run.
- A provider member may not have more than one Officer serving at a time.
- A maximum of two Officers may serve from a single region.
- A chain, affiliated organization, or corporation may not have more than three members on the Board at the same time.
What are the expectations for meetings and events?
- Board members support HCAF events, including conferences, advocacy days, and regional meetings.
- The Board meets six times per year:
- Four online meetings (typically in September, November, March, and May).
- Two in-person meetings (before Home Care Warm Up in winter and the HomeCareCon Annual Conference & Trade Show in summer).
- Additional meetings handled via email or Executive Committee when urgent issues arise.
What are my key responsibilities?
- Directors: The time commitment varies monthly based on meetings and events, but general responsibilities typically require 1-2 hours per month. Responsibilities include:
- Provide input on industry needs, education, and advocacy initiatives.
- Advocate for your constituents and the home care industry.
- Assist in member recruitment and retention.
- Support and participate in HCAF events and programs.
- Help staff HomeCareCon sessions and assist with attendee sign-ins.
- Maintain an open dialogue with your constituents.
- Officers:
- President:
- Serves as the chief officer of HCAF and chair of the Board of Directors.
- Appoints all committee and task force chairs unless otherwise specified by the bylaws.
- Appoints committee and task force members in accordance with the bylaws and serves as an ex-officio member of all task forces and committees, except the Nominating Committee.
- Serves on the Executive Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee.
- Vice President:
- Assumes the duties of the President in their absence.
- Serves on the Executive Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee.
- Secretary:
- Maintains, or ensures the maintenance of, the official records of the organization.
- Performs additional duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
- Serves on the Executive Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee.
- Treasurer:
- Oversees all financial assets and securities of the organization.
- Provides a current financial report at each Board meeting.
- Oversees an annual audit review of financial records, conducted by a Board-designated individual.
- Performs additional duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
- Chairs the Finance and Audit Committee and serves on the Executive Committee.
- President:
Will I be compensated?
- All Board positions are voluntary and do not receive financial compensation.
- Complimentary exhibit space or sponsorships are not provided; however, Board members who assist with events where HCAF staff require volunteer support will receive free attendee registration.
- For meetings or events requiring overnight stays, HCAF will either book hotel accommodations on your behalf or reimburse your lodging expenses. If you are able to cover your own lodging, it is greatly appreciated.
- Other travel-related expenses are not reimbursed.
What is the election timeline?
- Ongoing: We collect contact information from potential candidates.
- April 30: Deadline to submit ballot materials.
- May: Elections take place.
- July 1: Newly elected Board members begin their term.
Who can provide guidance on running for a Board seat?
If you’re considering a Board seat, we encourage you to connect with current Board members to gain insight into their experiences and responsibilities. Speaking with current Officers is particularly valuable, as they have served at least two full terms before their current role and can offer a well-rounded perspective.
To maintain ethical integrity and avoid conflicts of interest, we advise against discussing your candidacy with the Executive Director, as the position reports directly to the Board and remains neutral in the election process.
If you need assistance connecting with a Board member or have additional questions, please contact Monica Smith, Deputy Director, at
How do I submit my candidacy?
Email your ballot materials to Monica Smith, Deputy Director, at by April 30:
- Candidate Statement: Why you are a great fit for the Board.
- Resume/CV: Your qualifications and experience.
- Headshot: Submit a photo or allow HCAF to use one on file.